Tune into our pages to stay up-with-the-play on the latest cosmetic and plastic surgery news, trends, facts and figures and procedure speak.
Breast augmentation remains top of the world’s most popular cosmetic surgeries – and it is a procedure best served with an individual approach. Forget comparison between friends or scrolling online for the results you want, when it comes to truly enhancing your breasts – don’t settle on implant, lift, fat grafting advice from others. Why? Because there is no one-for-all, over-the-counter solution when it comes to breast surgery specifics. Especially given undergoing any breast procedure is a big step.
If dermal fillers and Botox are on your radar – you’re not alone, but not everyone has the confidence to seek answers beyond costs, efficacy duration and the ouch factor. So, why are Botox and dermal fillers still steadily rising in popularity? Because they don’t just smooth and plump – their benefits boost beyond.
Globally, many plastic surgeons support the advancement of breast registries – a place to record and keep details of women’s implants as a safeguard for the future. As a response to worldwide breast implant controversies – with Allergan’s breast implant recall of its Biocell textured breast implants in July 2019 being one of the most significant in recent times – several breast registries have been created over the past seven years in Australia, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom and Italy – New Zealand not included.
Skin cancer awareness retains its momentum, however, winning the long-term battle means developing a deeper relationship with our skin – beyond sliding on the sunblock and UV preventive clothing. Why? Because we are all at risk from skin cancers – the three major types being basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, fair headed or dark – skin cancer isn’t a problem we simply pick and choose. Nor does it have an age and time preference – it can lie in wait and strike unexpectedly.
If you’ve thought about a facelift or looked into liposuction for your mid-section – that troublesome area that’s been hanging around since your mid years – or questioned a friend about her breast surgery – you’re not alone. The world over cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are soaring in numbers – and becoming more affordable. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2,678,302 cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in American 2019 – of those in the hot seat were breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery and facelift.
Taking time out this season for yourself – or a family member – is important, especially after tumultuous periods we’ve traversed this year. Getting caught up in the hype of festivities and mad-dash to the end-of-year finishline is all too common – and many of us are left feeling, and looking, exhausted come Christmas. So, before you start planning trees and presents, pencil in skin and body to-dos – you matter too! Redefine those facial lines, lock in Belkyra injections and reduce the sweat with Botox – top performing cosmetic treatments to the rescue . . .
If you are insured with Southern Cross, you’ll be glad to know that Mr Adam Bialostocki and Mr Brandon Adams are affiliated providers. For patients who are insured with Southern Cross Medical Society the process couldn't be any simpler.We handle it all for you.