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Your Breasts Above All Else

November 4, 2020

When it comes to breast surgery it’s a procedure that shouldn’t compare – to anyone else’s that is. And, with summertime promises on the cards – less layers, longer days, beach going – ensuring you are breast confident for all the right reasons is essential for mind and body wellness. As we navigate through a year of sorts – with uncertainty, unexpectedness and unparalleled – all taking precedence in our lives due to Covid, staying positive and feeling body positive is a must as we step into the festive months.

So, with individuality at the fore, what are the first steps any women should take when considering breast augmentation – be it a reduction, a lift, implants – or implants and a lift? Reaching out to the expertise of a qualified cosmetic and plastic surgeon is the first port of call, says Bay Plastic Surgery’s cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, Adam Bialostocki.

“Only surgeons should perform surgery. The most important qualification is the FRACS – Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. The only doctors trained and examined in cosmetic surgery procedures in New Zealand are plastic and reconstructive surgeons,” he explains. “Within any medical field, practitioners are trained to have a high level of skill in that scope of practice. Practitioners who are working outside their field do not have the depth of training and experience to deal with all aspects of the condition. When problems arise, they may not know how to deal with them safely, which can lead to an inferior outcome.”

And, if you aren’t sure as to which procedure best befits your breast wants – that’s not a bad thing, says Adam. In fact, avoiding the lure of Instagram pics and social media influencers, is advised. Welcoming the guidance of a reputable cosmetic surgeon, ensures best measures forward.

“Don’t believe all you read on the internet. A face-to-face consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon will answer all those concerns. It isn’t really up to the patient to decide what needs to be done to achieve those results – the first step is to decide what outcome she desires,” explains Adam. “A skilled specialist plastic surgeon will then be able to make a recommendation as to what technique will reach those goals for example, this could be the option of implants with or without a lift, it may be lipo-filling/fat grafting, or it may be a combination – hybrid breast augmentation.”

As with any cosmetic procedure the best reasons for undergoing breast augmentation is for yourself – not anyone else, but it is important to have people on hand to support you post-surgery – this includes family and a trusted surgeon who you can turn to time and time again. There should be no compromise when it comes to long-term health and peace-of-mind.

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