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Reduce to revive - Breast reduction surgery a gamechanger

February 10, 2023

Breast reduction surgery – or mammoplasty – brings relief and reprieve to women the world over. As many undergo this cosmetic procedure to remedy back, neck and shoulder pain and discomfort, and free themselves of the limitations larger breasts exercise on life – fitness regimes, clothing and even quality time with family.

The first recorded breast reduction surgeries hale back to the early 19th Century, yet they were dominated with a purely reconstructive and removal mindset – not an aesthetic one. Fast forward to the 1930s, and approaches in breast reduction surgery pivoted with aesthetics at the fore, and natural preservation of the breast becoming a top priority.

As with any cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedure, every patient’s journey will be different – just as no two breasts are the same – which is why it’s essential to reach for an experienced breast surgeons’ hand. A plastic surgeon who has the required breast training and expertise means they have the skillset and techniques to tailor the procedure specifically to your goal set – for example if you have breast feeding features in your future plans, breast reduction surgery could complicate this.

Reduction surgery is designed to better support the breasts, naturally shape and harmonise size, improve painful breast symptoms and boost self-confidence. Depending on breast size before the operation and the final post-operative size, incisions and removal will be fitted to your individual needs. This could involve an incision made around the nipple and areola, accompanied by a vertical incision below the areola with, or without, a horizontal incision made in the crease below the breast. By engaging short scar techniques breast size is reduced, shape improved and the extent of incisions is limited.

Alongside a breast reduction, it is common practice for plastic surgeons to simultaneously perform a breast lift. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, lifts the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening surrounding breast tissue. This affords greater shape and contour, and firmness. Depending on your specific situation – and health guidelines you meet – breast reduction surgery may be covered by a private insurer – such as our affiliated insurance provider Southern Cross. Unfortunately, insurance will not cover a breast lift for cosmetic reasons.

Breast surgery should always have you at its Centrepoint – not social media influencers, friends or celebrities. Ensure you reach out to a trusted, experienced breast surgeon to achieve your breast goals.





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