We all have our differences – and so do our fat cells. Which is why shifting those extra pockets, the ones that hang about the tummy, hips and thighs, routinely features on our New Year’s resolutions list.
Truth be told fat cells aren’t created equal. Our fat cells are distributed differently to others, with genetics, hormones and ageing all influencing how fat is distributed. Stubborn fat in areas like the thighs, stomach and hips have a higher density of alpha receptors – cells that are harder to shift, which means exercise and dieting alone won’t make them disappear altogether. In fact, researchers have found that our fat cell count is set during adolescence and doesn’t change through adulthood – regardless of whether we gain or lose weight. So, in order to permanently rid stubborn fat cells, we have to manually remove them. Which is where liposuction comes in.
No weight loss tool . . .
Contrary to belief, liposuction is not a weight loss tool. Being as close to your ideal weight as possible, and maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise regime are all prerequisites of liposuction surgery. Body prep and conditioning aid a smoother recovery, ensure greater surgical outcomes and minimise the risks associated with both the anaesthesia and the procedure itself.
Those seeking liposuction won’t be seeking extreme weight loss. On average you can expect to lose five-to-six kilograms maximum in those troublesome body areas – love handles, upper arms, belly fat. For those that require more contouring and firming in the midsection, liposuction surgery combined with abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, go hand in hand.
The combined surgeries address excess skin and repair stretched muscles, gifting greater body freedom to exercise and go about everyday activities. And, no saggy skin means reduced risk of infection.
Time on your side . . .
Liposuction surgery is relatively quick and efficient – one-to-two hours depending on the treatment area. Recovery time is typically one-to-two weeks on average, with bruising lasting up to a few weeks and the majority subsiding beyond six weeks.
With any cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedure, seeking the expertise of a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to a procedure carried out safely, with your individual needs and goals on the frontline.