Scars are a part of everyone’s life’s journey – be it a childhood injury or skin cancer surgery in later life – how your body heals from surgery is an individual one, and one that requires a skilled hand to ensure best results. If skin cancer surgery is on your radar or that of a loved one, there’s no need to fear the ‘scar’ after-thoughts – scars are a normal concern as these are permanent and can be appearance altering. Fortunately though, there are key factors that can help reduce them.
Trusted hands . . .
Put yourself in the hands of a reputable surgeon. Choosing a skilful surgeon who has developed both the surgical skills and a feel for how the body heals itself,will produce better cosmetic results.
A specialised skin cancer, cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon – like our own Adam Bialostocki – will carefully design and execute a plan to remove the skin cancer without creating new problems through the repair and healing process.
This can include performing adjacent tissue transfers or a flap reconstruction – borrowing tissue from neighbouring sites by cutting through the skin and soft tissue on all but one side, rotating it and using it to fill the surgical defect.
“Where a surgeon first stitches is critical to a less obvious scar,” explains Adam Bialostocki. “Pulling skin from a slack area rather than a taught one decreases pressure on the closure and reduces the size of the scar. The direction of the stitching can also determine whether the scar hides inside natural lines.”
Post-surgery play . . .
Alongside a skilled surgeon’s techniques, following their post-surgery instruction advice is essential for minimal scarring and the healing process going forward.
This can include:
- Pressure dressing for 48hours post-surgery,
- Cutting all smoking – smoking slows the healing process,
- Upping supplements – such garlic, vitamin C, fish oil,
- Trying silicone patches – silicone has been shown to reduce thickness of scars,
- And limiting activity – so you don’t stretch the wound site.
For sound advice, guidance and care following any skin procedure, speak to our team – we’ve got your skin covered.