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Cool Contouring and Cosmetic Surgery Advantages – Why winter brings the benefits

April 25, 2021

Many of us have cosmetic goals. And, even though the world may be out of kilter, it doesn’t mean a stop on our body wants and needs. Whichever the procedures on your list – abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh or upper arm lift, labiaplasty, or breast surgery – lift, reduction or implants – wintermonths are the ideal time to push play on the body board. Why? Because thecooler months gift time to heal, and for many surgical procedures – especially breasts and labiaplasty – your body requires at least six weeks post-op to insync with itself. Cooler temps can also help to minimise swelling because the swelting temperatures of summer are no longer – think no more sweaty bandages and layersto peel back – allowing incisions to heal in a controlled environment. Let’snot forget the wintery months gift us time to prepare for summer, when the bodywould have arrived at its new normal and you have adjusted to changes.

Knowing which cosmetic procedures are best suited to you, isn’t a stab in the dark however dark the days are getting.Never dive into any surgical or non-surgical procedures without sound knowledge and guidance. Alongside seeking reputable advice – from surgeons like cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon Adam Bialostocki, who is FRACs qualified,hone in on a few key questions, such as:

·        Are you close to your ideal weight? Liposuction and non-surgical procedures such as CoolSculpting are typically suited to you.

·        Do you have sagging muscles or loose skin? Separation of muscles and stretched skin can be corrected with abdominoplasty.

·        Do you want quick results? Liposuction and other surgical procedures can provide results within days/weeks, non-surgical treatments often require multiple treatments across a period of months.

·        Do you have time to recover? Surgical treatments like breast surgery, liposuction and tummy tucks require downtime, non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting often require little – or no downtime for recovery.

Be summer prepared whatever your body fix! Speak to our team of trusted cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons.


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