The festive season is in sight, so ensure you brace for summer fresh faced and rejuvenated. Seek appearance medicine and cosmetic treatments that enhance, restore and capture the real you. Diminish the lines, smooth skin and volumize the face, rid the double chin and wave goodbye to sweaty armpits!
Rid the lines, soften the appearance . . .
Don’t hide behind the tree this year. Enhance your skin with accurate use of injectables. Lock in Botox treatments at least three-to-four weeks out from Christmas parties or the big day. Botox injections work to minimise the furrow, soften crow’s feet and fine lines, with results lasting all up to three months.
To smoothen scars, and plump and lift facial tissue, reach for dermal fillers – at least a week before Christmas events. Non-invasive dermal fillers are created using hyaluronan – which is naturally present in our skin – think pain-free and longer lasting results to take you through summer celebrations.
Send the double chin packing . . .
Chin fat is notoriously difficult to treat. However, surgery isn’t the only option to remove excess fat and sculpt the jaw and chin. Non-invasive BELKYRA® injections, made from deoxycholic acid which is a substance our bodies naturally produce to absorb fat, rid the fatty pad under the chin by destroying fat cells. The results? Gently restored contour and definition to the chin and jawline, and permanent fat removal. Treatments are typically spaced four weeks apart, with two-to-four treatments required. aim fortwo-to-four treatments, four weeks apart.
Don’t sweat it this season . . .
Excessive armpit perspiration, hyperhidrosis, is an ongoing issue for approximately3% of our population. Nowadays instead of invasive surgery – which involved cutting the nerves that trigger sweating – Botox injections into the skin of armpit can settle the nerves which trigger the sweating. Injections are moderately uncomfortable, but no local anaesthesia is required. Armpits remain completely dry for between six-and-nine months. Compensatory hyperhidrosis (sweat breaking out in other areas of the body) is rare after Botox.
Skip into summer festivities – reach out to our team of cosmetic professionals.