The thought – not just the feeling – of a lump in your breast, has many of us holding our chests with mouth aghast. So, what can you expect if the unexpected happens to you? Well firstly, many of us may have to brace for more of the unknown – especially in the early days. Why? Because breast cancer is no one-man’s game. There are different types, which grow at different rates – and coupled with this, also many factors that affect growth and possibility of spread.
How fast your breast tumour may grow and metastasize to different body areas depends on how invasive it is. Non-invasive means it hasn’t spread beyond breast ducts, invasive means it’s moved to different parts of the body i.e. lymph nodes. Stage 1 being non-invasive, Stage 4 being most invasive.
Growth in a year can vary greatly, as do factors for that growth – take for example oestrogen factors i.e. if you’ve ever had hormone replacement, menopausal body state, age at time of diagnosis – breast cancers tend to grow more rapidly in younger aged women.
And while the actual time it takes for a breast cancer grow from a single cell is still unclear, certain types of cancer are destined to spread more quicker than others i.e. ductal carcinoma.
The good news is, for women who perform regular self-checks, the average size of tumour when detected is 1cm – as opposed to 2.62cm in women who don’t perform them. Take a closer read here:
The outlook for many is positive – even those with Stage 4 cancer, treatment to stop the spread is a positive win, even if it does not rid the body completely. And thanks to the abilities of experienced surgeons - like our own Adam Bialostocki, those who undergo breast surgery, have the fortune of normality beyond as reconstruction techniques are constantly evolving.
Today, restoring, refining breasts post-surgery is carried out to the highest of standards (we engage 3D Vectra technology within the procedure process) achieving a natural look, harmony and balance – and most importantly restoration of the emotional self, alongside the physical. Breast cancer maybe diverse and unpredictable – but treatment and reconstruction are there to meet it.